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Past Events
We would appreciate any donations to the Global Ischemia Foundation. Your donations are tax deductible as the organization is a 501C3 and our tax id # is 20-3699208. Please send checks to : Global Ischemia Foundation 18721 Kosich Drive Saratoga CA 95070. You may also participate in any of the events below to help those with brain injuries. The Global Ischemia Foundation needs your support. Free-will donations benefitting the foundation will be accepted during these events. November 22, 2012 This yearly event, the day after Thanksgiving, features the Saratoga Falcons girls then boys basketball team taking on the Alumni at 4:30pm and 6:00pm. All admission donations go to the Global Ischemia Foundation.![]() ====================================================================== November 25, 2011 This yearly event, the day after Thanksgiving, features the Saratoga Falcons girls then boys basketball team taking on the Alumni at 4:30pm and 6:00pm. All admission donations go to the Global Ischemia Foundation.![]() ====================================================================== November 26, 2010 This yearly event, the day after Thanksgiving, features the Saratoga Falcons girls then boys basketball team taking on the Alumni at 4:30pm and 6:00pm. All admission donations go to the Global Ischemia Foundation.![]() ====================================================================== November 25, 2009 This yearly event, the day after Thanksgiving, features the Saratoga Falcons boys and girls basketball team taking on the Alumni at 5:00pm and 6:30pm. All admission goes to the Global Ischemia Foundation.![]() ====================================================================== December 29, 2007 The Saratoga Falcons took on the Alumni at 5:30pm and watch the alumni of old take on the 'young' alumni at 7pm. All admission proceeds went to the Global Ischemia Foundation which raised about $700.![]() ====================================================================== October 2007 A book entitled, Dick Davey: A Basketball Life Richly Led, is now available on Amazon.com and other on-line outlets, including abebooks.com, booksurge.com and alibris.com. The author, Chuck Hildebrand, is donating the proceeds from its sale to the Global Ischemia Foundation. Its a wonderful book about a great man and there is a chapter on Kathleen too. Click below for an extra 10% Donation====================================================================== January-February 2007 Saratoga Library The Saratoga Library in Saratoga had a collection of Photos which on display throughout the library and on sale. All Proceeds from this sale went go to the Global Ischemia Foundation. Please take a look at this beautiful photograhy at Spirakis Imagesand buy some wonderful photos to support our foundation |
December 11, 2006
Chevys Night
Chevy's in Westgate offered an evening with the Global Ischemia Foundation. Anyone bringing flyers to the event will help out the Foundation as Chevy's will donate 25% of the proceeds. Download a flyer in the coming days at the blogsiteand come join us between 5:30 and 9pm at
1502 Saratoga Avenue San Jose, CA 95129.
December 11, 2005
Sacred Heart Church
Singers Around The Bay presents : A Christmas Concert Sunday, December 11, 2005 - 7:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Church 13724 Saratoga Ave. to benefit the GLOBAL ISCHEMIA FOUNDATION
Saratoga, CA 95070
Phone Geoff Lamotte
December 29, 2005
Saratoga High School
Saratoga High School will hold its annual men's basketball alumni game on December 29 at 7pm. Falcons past and present will square off with proceeds benefiting the Global Ischemia Foundation, founded by Coach Mike Davey to fund medical research and assist afflicted families in need. For more information, contact Geoff LaMotte at 408.867.6496
Saratoga, CA 95070
March 11, 2006
Los Gatos & Campbell
Mary Ann from Therapeutic Art will have one hour appts in Los Gatos at 2pm and 3:30pm. TherapeuticArt is at 272 North Santa Cruz Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 Phone: (408) 674-6575
Ana from Natural Touch Massage in Campbell will have appts nearly all day. They will commence at 9a.m. and conclude at 7:30. Appt times are as follows 9a.m./10:15a.m./11:30a.m./1:00p.m./2:15p.m./3:30p.m./5:00p.m./6:15p.m. & 7:30p.m. 286 E. Hamilton Ave Suite K Campbell, CA 95008 Phone: (408)655-0150
Dr. Keith Howe from the Alternative Healing Arts Center has generously donated 8 gift certificates for chiropractic care to be used in the next ninety days. 71 N. San Tomas Aquino Rd. Campbell, CA 95008 Phone: (408)871-8136
March 28, 2006
Fresh Choice Westgate
Fresh Choice in Westgate will offer during the evening to the Global Ischemia Foundation. Anyone bringing flyers to the event will help out the Foundation as Chevy's will donate 15% of the proceeds. Download a flyer and come join us between 5:30 and 9pm at 1600 Saratoga Avenue San Jose, CA 95129.6
April 11, 2006
The Jungle
The Global Ischemia Foundation is having a fundraiser at the Jungle, at 950 El Paseo De Saratoga San Jose, CA 95130. The fundraiser is this Tuesday beginning at 5:30 and continuing till close. Its 7.95 per child admission (unlimited free playand they get a piece of pizza and a small drink) 25% of the proceeds goes to the Global Ischemia Foundation along with 2$ from each large pizza ordered. This fundraiser is kind of spur of the moment, but appropriate with all of the rain we have been having. Please come out and support us. You must bring this flyer in order for our organization to get the proceeds.
Campbell, CA 95008
Phone Mike Davey @ 605-8825 with any questions.
April 18, 2006
Chevys Night
Chevy's in Westgate will offer during the evening to the Global Ischemia Foundation. Anyone bringing flyers to the event will help out the Foundation as Chevy's will donate 15% of the proceeds. Download a flyer and come join us between 5:30 and 9pm at
1502 Saratoga Avenue San Jose, CA 95129.
Phone: (408) 871-9110
May 28, 2006
Togapoly Tournament
The Global Ischemia Foundation is having a fundraiser at the Saratoga High School, on Sunday, May 28th at 1pm. The event will be held in the campus small gym. The event is a 4 hour Togapoly (like Monopoly for Saratoga) tournament with winners receiving prizes. Event admission is only $5 with all the proceeds going to the Global Ischemia Foundation. Additional donations can be made at the event and Togapoly boards will be on sale after the event for $30. Details to buy the game can be found at the Falcon Enterprizes Website